Alan Coopersmith
2010-06-12 00:11:44 UTC
I believe the only changes that should be needed to the IPS distro-import files
for the X packages should be a version bump & driver action update for the
NVIDIA graphics driver package, which I've already forwarded the details for
directly to David.
As usual, this only lists the changes that need distro-import changes,
the full list of X changes in these builds can be seen at:
(In the former-X-package realm, the xscreensaver packages in JDS also got a
version bump in 142 to the auspiciously/conveniently numbered version 5.11,
but you should see those with the JDS consolidation changes.)
for the X packages should be a version bump & driver action update for the
NVIDIA graphics driver package, which I've already forwarded the details for
directly to David.
As usual, this only lists the changes that need distro-import changes,
the full list of X changes in these builds can be seen at:
(In the former-X-package realm, the xscreensaver packages in JDS also got a
version bump in 142 to the auspiciously/conveniently numbered version 5.11,
but you should see those with the JDS consolidation changes.)
-Alan Coopersmith- alan.coopersmith-QHcLZuEGTsvQT0dZR+***
Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System
-Alan Coopersmith- alan.coopersmith-QHcLZuEGTsvQT0dZR+***
Oracle Solaris Platform Engineering: X Window System